It is recognised by stakeholders in the African creative sector that the spread of the African creatives industry across the continent is one of the most powerful tools for economic development for the youth now, and it will only achieve its full potential if all stakeholders interact and seize opportunities for collaboration.


  • A beneficial brand association and positive perception
  • Unprecedented awareness of your brand & city
  • Category exclusivity guaranteed
  • Gain the competitive edge
  • Grow market share in the host country and Africa
  • To increase the sense of affinity, incidence of patronage and deepen brand loyalty
  • To tap into the passions of millions of participants and followers of the growing African creative industry
  • Branding of Venue and show area.
  • Talk time on services during event
  • Customized merchandize such as Tshirts to serve as part of event promotional materials during event.
  • Tailored activity to suit your brand. 
  • Feedback generation for the agency.
  • Engagement rate of #ACA19 to #ACA21 over 30 million users across Africa and beyond
  • Right to access evaluative research reports after the event